Monday, November 17, 2014

Week 13: Literary Speculation

Qfwfq is the speaker throughout the piece I believe and I thing the most comprehensive symbol is the moon being his love. The intricate attention to detail he has toward the big ball of wet clay in every sensory way shows how revered the moon is to him. I believe there is also “the grass is never greener” symbol here in that Qfwfq thought the moon would be amazing to remain on for a month and that it’s beauty should be exalted but once upon the moon for a prolonged period, he took his first chance to return back to earth.
            I think its also a possibility that the moon milk is a symbol for harvested oil and other resources from other lands and the land or the inhabitants of the lands eventually will fight back to an outside stripping from their area just as the moon pushed away.

            I like many others have always had a thirst for exploration outside of our planet and our solar system so the fascination with the moon is the most basic among others. I don’t know if my love goes as far as Qfwfq to the point I’d ride a moon to the galaxy but Ive always wanted the possibility to visit a home that is not our own.  I can also relate to the Captain’s Wife restlessness she gets when he is away. I was with a Marine for 4 years and experienced what it was like to have a significant other constantly leaving for prolonged periods of time and giving more love to a place (in my case his love for the Marines and the places he traveled) than to their partner.  It’s maddening.


            I would transfer this into a silent short film and use a 2001 approach. Prolonged shots, little cutting, I would start with Qfwfq obviously trying to impress the Captain’s Wife while the Captain was only looking at the moon. It would be very muted in color and obviously have to have a lot of special effects. It would show the layers of infatuation from Qfwfq – Captain’s Wife – Captain – Moon. In the end I would have Qfwfq win the Captain’s Wife and them escape but the Captain get pulled onto the Moon being stuck there forever bound to is ignorance to those around him that loved him.

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